Monday, October 22, 2012

Is that Halloween around the corner??

Hi friends!
Is anyone just completely exhausted like I am?? I feel like I am being pulled in so many different directions, there are so many things going on, so many things to get done and so little time to do them all! Someone asked me today to start thinking about our winter performance. WHHAAATTT? Winter performance?? Can I get through October first?? Wait, what?? It's October??? OH MY GOODNESS!!! There is just too much to do! Report cards are due on Friday so maybe that's why I am in a frenzy. Or maybe it's because I have to email my parents about the awards assembly next week. Or maybe it's because I have to create a (super simple) sign up genius for our Halloween fun day/pure chaos. Ugh. You know what I'm going to do first? Eat a cookie. That's it. Just one cookie and I think I'll be fine. Oh no. I just remembered that my best friend's birthday is tomorrow. Ok, one cookie and on to making her a gift only I can pull off. Any suggestions?? lol.

That's all I have for you all today. A rambling, scrambling mess. Welcome to my world.

Tomorrow I'll have something better. Promise. Maybe.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, I say eat that cookie! :)

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    Granny Goes to School
