Monday, October 8, 2012

Currently & a Window

Hi Friends!
I have figured out why I'm such a blogging slacker... I have no plan! Well that and I try to see my nephew as often as possible and when that happens, I'm too tired to lift a finger! Still, I have no plan! I have set up a little schedule for myself and I'm ready to commit!
Here it goes...
First up? Currently!!
I love these things! I love to read other people's responses and I think it's funny when I see some that are similar or have the same answers, great minds think alike huh?
I am LOVING my new whiteboard... I have rearranged my classroom, set up things a little differently and have been using that baby every day! I am going to post the current state of my classroom soon. I can't tell you how exciting it is! Well, maybe some of you know already because you have one BUT there are only 2 on our campus: one in my classroom and one in a fourth grade classroom. That's it.
I am THINKING that I need to put another project up soon! I just got another one funded for some interactive games to go with the whiteboard but I'm not sure what to do next...
I am WANTING some new clothes because, well seriously, doesn't everybody? And if my husband tells me that I have plenty of clothes one more time... I'm gonna lose it!!!! lol.
I am NEEDING a day off of work, Monday off? Shortened Day? Something! We started earlier than ever this year and it is really taking a toll on my body.
BOOK: There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves because reading this to kindergarteners is just so much fun! They are so cute and silly when they hear silly stories, it's so fun to read to them.

Now it's your turn... link up! I'm a few days late on this one and there are already 289 people linked up! 289!! That's amazing!!! Way to go Farley! 
Next up?
I have to share with all of you my Fall Window. This is our first year making these and I think it is so cute! Now the picture doesn't do it too much justice but I swear it looks good up close. Each of the students chose the leaf shape that they wanted and sponge painted it with "Fall Colors" orange, yellow and red. We (myself and my student teacher) cut them out and put them onto the window as this display. I also wrote all of the students' names on their leaves so that they could all be a part of our classroom tree. To make the trunk and branches, I used a brown paper bag crumbled up and flattened out.
Here it is...
Ok friends, Happy Monday!


  1. I completely understand the whiteboard addiction! My bulb has blown in my projector and I have been without a board for about 6 wks now!! I use mine everyday as well. That tree looks gorgeous, it is so funny to see Fall(Autumn) stuff on blogs, in my classroom today we did Spring trees (in Australia) Well it gives me great ideas for next year lol
    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

    1. I LOVE that you are in the opposite season as us! I'll have to visit your blog soon for ideas for Spring! hehehe...
      Oh no! A blown bulb?? What do you do?? I'd go crazy!
      Thanks for stopping in!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  2. Vanessa I found you through the linky party. Your blog looks great!

  3. Hey there! I too am in sunny SoCal! Loved reading your post and finding another so cal blogger! Found you through the rule of three! New follower!


    1. Welcome Simone!
      Aren't you excited about the weather change around here? I'm pretty tired of 100 degree weather!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  4. I found your blog through the linky party and can I just say I'm a bit of a blog slacker too and I feel that I need to make a plan too! Very jealous of your whiteboard and love your fall window!

    Miss F :)

    1. Hello Miss F! I'm glad I made a plan, and excited that I am actually sticking to it! lol. Well, it's only day 2 but I'm patting myself on the back anyway.
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten
