Tuesday, October 2, 2012

First Grade Common Core

Hi Friends!
Remember when I said I had a fever yesterday? Well, I still have one! So, I'm not going to work tomorrow... writing sub plans sucks right? I almost said forget it, I'll just go in! Writing sub plans is the worst! Luckily I'll have an awesome sub, she is the rockstar student teacher I've mentioned a few times... Anyway, on to First Grade Common Core...
A few weeks ago I posted about the Kindergarten Common Core Workbook and it is an awesome workbook!! I got it for free and I've been browsing it and bookmarking the pages I like. We haven't fully made the switch just yet but we will soon and I want to be as informed as possible! My first grade friends will appreciate this First Grade Common Core Workbook. It has over 500 pages worth of worksheets, activities and posters that will align exactly with the common core standards. How perfect is that?? Wait a minute, I almost forgot... it includes BOTH ELA and Math standards... BOTH! Easy peesy!

Check it out by clicking on the picture of the workbook and find out how you can snag your own...

Ok everybody, I'm off to rest, relax and watch New Girl!

1 comment:

  1. Now I'm sad. I never got mine even though I followed all the steps. Oh well! Glad you love yours!

