Monday, February 4, 2013

I'm baaaack with a CURRENTLY!

Hello folks!
My poor little blog hasn't gotten any love in such a long time! Well, I'm here today and I'm ready to jump into the Currently linky party! Ok, ok, first let me tell you what's been going on since I've been gone... my sister-in-law had my first niece! Hailey Marie... oh, she's so stinkin cute! AND my sister is pregnant now! Oh babies are going to be everywhere! That has put the pressure on my and my husband like no other... we have a plan... now isn't the time... now isn't the time... now isn't the time... lol. I have to keep telling myself that because seeing so many babies makes me drool! =)'s my currently...
Listening: Ahhh the sound of clean dishes and well moisturized hands!

Loving: My new red Toms! I usually stick to the basic colors: black, white, blue, beige but I went out and got RED! I love them! My feet are quite small so I was able to snag some kid's sizes AND they are sooooooo comfy!

Thinking: It's been a long time, I missed you all!

Wanting: to try Hulu. Anyone have it? Is it worth it? Could I get rid of my cable for it? A friend of mine said that her friend has Hulu and Netflix instead of cable but is it really worth it? Will I still be able to see my Housewives?? lol.

Needing: A haircut! My locks are getting dry and long and out. of. control!

Pet peeves: Loud chewing. Ugh! You know that Kit-Kat commercial that has everyone taking a bite? I mute that commercial because I can't stand the sound! It especially gets under my skin when I can see the food or hear the food turning around in your mouth as you chew so loudly on it. Ick! Keep your lips together people. If it's too hot, don't drink it because slurping is gross! lol. Ok, I think you get it. My next pet peeve? Rule Breakers! Can't everyone just follow the rules? Not following the rules makes it harder on everyone else. I'm talking about adults people. Adults who choose not to do what has been asked. It really bothers me because I am such a rule follower that I can't even believe others would do something different.

Ok friends, I'm off to complete the rule of 3... Head over to Farley's blog to see the almost 300 other Currentlys!

be back tomorrow!



  1. Vanessa,

    I would be happy to share winning lotto numbers. ;)

    I so agree with you about the loud chewers, and loud gulpers get me too. LOL

    Good luck with all the sweet babies!


    Flamingos and Butterflies

    1. I'm gonna hold you to that Tina! hehehe.


  2. Congrats on the new babies-I'm definitely jealous! I'll have to do with my puppy niece and nephew for now!

    1. Haha... I'm loving my niece and my nephew but I'm also happy when they go home to cry! =) It's the best part of being an auntie!


  3. I love Toms! You're one follower away from 200! So exciting! Let me know if you want any help with a giveaway, if you're having one.

    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

    1. Thanks Irene! I will definitely contact you soon!! woo hoo!


  4. I am excited to be follower #200 on your blog! :)

    I have been wanting Toms like crazy think I am going to get some soon. Especially after hearing they are so comfy.

    Mrs. Pauley's Kindergarten

    1. You HAVE to get them! They are so stinkin comfy!

      Welcome #200! This is so exciting for me!

