Tuesday, February 5, 2013

200 Followers and a Freebie!

I can't believe I have 200 followers! It took some time but now we are here! Time to celebrate... anyone want in on a giveaway??
Side story- We had a Chinese New Year parade today... anyone else do that? We don't have a big Chinese population and we don't have parade for any other events (besides Halloween) so I'm not sure I like it too much! Luckily, today was a nice, cool day so we weren't sweating as we were wearing our dragon hats. =)
Anyway, since I'm in such a great mood because I'm at 200 followers... here's a freebie! We've been working on our best estimation skills and I have to say, they are pretty good at it! There are some, of course, who don't realize the difference between 100 and 40 but besides that, we are all good. Here are some shots of my kiddos in action...We used the Sunflower Estimation sheet where we estimated how many seeds would fit in the middle of the flower. The other is the Marshmallow Mouth... how many marshmallows will fit in the mouth? You may notice that in one of the shots there are circles drawn in the center of the flower. In my classroom, everyone gets what they need and not all students are quite ready for estimation so their job is to glue the seeds in the circles and count them. The same goes for the marshmallow mouth except there is no picture. 

Want the Estimation Sheets?? You can snag them on TpT by clicking the picture OR leave a comment with your email letting me know that you'd like a free copy... today only! =)
If you're interested in being a part of my 200 follower giveaway, please let me know also... leave me a comment or shoot me an email: vanessa.escobar17@gmail.com

Thanks friends!


  1. Hi Vanessa,

    When I clicked on the image it said your estimation sheets were not free. I would love to have them! This is definitely a skill that my little sweeties need to work on. :) Congrats again on reaching 200 followers!

    Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten

    1. No problem! I'll email them to you!
      Thanks Amanda!

  2. I would LOVE these. My kiddos struggle with the concept of estimation and making educated guesses, so this would be great :)

    Mindful Rambles

    1. Yup! We talk a whole lot about a great guess and a not-so-great guess... This is so cute to help reinforce the concept.

      Thanks for stopping in! I'll send you a copy soon


  3. i like these and would definitely like a copy. vhair61215@gmail.com

    1. Sending them to you soon!

      Thanks for stopping by!


  4. I would love to have these sheets. I love how you differentiated. I would like to be included in your 200 follower giveaway. Thank you, dbednarsk@yahoo.com

    1. Thank you! I'll be in touch about the giveaway and I'll be sending you the Estimation sheets soon!


  5. Congratulations! I love those sheets and how they are differentiated. Thanks for sharing! I sent you an email about your giveaway.

    Clearly Kindergarten

    1. Thanks Sarah! I'll be emailing you soon about the giveaway and the estimation sheets!


  6. I would love the estimation sheets! I hope I'm not too late :/

  7. CONGRATULATIONS on reaching 200 followers!!!! I would love to participate in your giveaway. Feel free to email me at uf94gator@yahoo.com

    Have a great long weekend,

    ✰ Stacy

    Simpson Superstars

