Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Teaching Tip Linky Party

Teaching Tip Linky Party?? Yes, Please!!! Miss Kindergarten's Linky Party? Absolutely!
I love me a good linky party and this one is great! I've been reading through almost all of the teaching tips...
Soooo... what's my teaching tip? I've been trying hard to think of a good one. One that everyone will remember and come back to my blog about BUT I couldn't think of anything that good.... lol... Here are mine:
1. STAY ORGANIZED! Take 10 minutes at the end of each day to organize files, clear off your desk and get the day started for tomorrow.  My summer is usually spent organizing my books, files, and what nots into places where I know I can find them and get them quickly. If there is anything in front of it, it's never coming out. Can I always find my things? No. Can I always take the last 10 minutes of my day to organize? Almost.

Which takes me to...
2. LABEL EVERYTHING! I teach kindergarten and labeling everything over the summer saves me SOOO much time throughout the year. The kids know where to get things and, more importantly, where to put things away. Can you imagine? YES! They can do it. Someone always asks how I keep my classroom so clean and my answer is: hard work! My next answer is: teach the kids how to clean! =) Most of them don't clean up after themselves at home (just being honest) so, it's time to give them that responsibility! =) Can you tell that I'm passionate about it?? lol.

3. USE MUSIC! Save your voice and use music to countdown, clean up, transition, teach EVERYTHING! In my classroom right now we use music to: *tell us when to clean up and when to end ("When the song is done, we can sit down") *help us remember the days of the week, months of the year, and letter sounds *the seasons of the year (thanks, Harry Kindergarten), *numbers in the teens (Harry, you're the best)

Alrighty everyone... be back tomorrow... wait... no I won't.... it's my baby sister's 21st birthday!! We'll be out to dinner for her tomorrow. Will we do anything else to celebrate this milestone?? Why, yes! Yes we will! We are going to VEGAS!! Woo Hoo! Totally excited. Aw man, I just realized that I have been a blogging slacker again. I'll try harder next week. THANKSGIVING WEEK!


  1. I love using music in my classroom as well. I taught kindergarten for almost 9 years, and I loved to sing. I made up songs on the spot and the kiddos would freeze in their tracks to listen to my awful voice! I am still singing to second graders! Organization is not my strong suite but I try to have a clean desk at the end of the day! Thanks for the tips!
    Second Grade is Out of This World

  2. Do you use an iPod, an IPhone, CDs or what for your music? Inquiring minds want to know :)

  3. Love the tips! My first year I didn't take my 10 minutes to stay organized and I ended up staying at school until 10pm one night to organize my room! It was a mess! Now I always take time to clear my desk and file my papers!
