Tuesday, November 6, 2012

If you need to know the seasons, give me a call!

Hey everybody!
So remember how I told you yesterday that I LOVE Harry Kindergarten? I realized today that I REALLY love him. I used 2 of his songs in just one day! So first, we discussed the seasons, our new Science unit. Moby & Annie taught us a little about fall and we read The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle AND we heard the Seasons Rap one more time! Oh, BRAINPOPJR is free all this week! You MUST check it out! I use this site all the time to introduce or reinforce lessons. Anyway, I like to read The Tiny Seed because of the beautiful colors in the text. We started making our seasons trees using just the colors we see during fall...
These are the simple supplies needed. Cut up "leaves" I cut so many, I have some for next year!

What some of them look like. Since we have only taught fall, the other trees are still bare.

This is what my sample looks like... Winter is with paint & glitter, spring is crayon & glue drops for rain and summer is tissue paper. Isn't it darling?? even better when it is student work... that will come, I promise!
We also made an anenometer to measure the wind speeds during our windy fall weather. So much fun! The kids were so excited to be the "wind"
And here's the song, "If you need to know the seasons, give me a call!" So clever, cute & catchy!

Then for Math, we started teaching the dreaded Teen Numbers! Today it was just practice counting, writing, counting & writing. This was such a cute song and basically guided my lesson.

Tomorrow we will start in My Number Book: 11-20! It is just like My Number Book available on TPT right now but with 11-20...
Wanna copy?? I'm giving 3 away today... just leave a comment below with your email! =) I'll post some pics tomorrow of the kiddos in action.

Thanks for stopping in friends!!


  1. I would LOVE a copy of your teen numbers booklet! My class will request Harry Kindergarten songs to see with my BrightLink.(Like a Smartboard) Our favorite so far is the Apples song.

  2. I would love a copy of your number book! And I'm going to look up Harry Kindergarten right now!

    1. Oh no! Lisa, you are a "no-reply" commenter! Send me your email so I can send you a copy of the book!

  3. We would love a copy of this book. We sing this song often in our classroom.

    1. Wanda, shoot me an email so I can send you the Numbers Book!

  4. Love the seasons rap. We are learning all about seasons right now.

    Chickadee Jubilee

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