Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Saturday post? Yup!

Happy Saturday everyone! I rarely post on Saturdays but I here I am!

We continued our numbers through 20 centers this week and the kids are gobbling it up! (haha, since Thanksgiving is coming, haha) Harry Kindergarten's Numbers in the Teens video has been really fun and engaging for the kiddos, thanks Harry!

Here are some shots of my kid in action...
This activity is part of my UPDATED Number Books
Uh, oh! He got carried away with the dot marker!
Look at this kiddo... she decided not to go on the traditional route to the treasure.

He's going for the more traditional route.

WOW! Look at her go!

I loved seeing the variation of work with all of my students. Our centers are only 15 minutes long so for some of them, I had the ships pre-cut so that they could focus on the number part. Others cut in 10 seconds and were gluing away in no time.
Check out my updated products The Number Book now with 11-20 and The Treasure Hunt with the number sequencing activity shown above. They are both $4 for now but the price will go up next week!

Last thing...
I have been reading a new blog that I LOVE! She is a special education teacher and the way she talks about her students is amazing. I think she belongs at my school but she doesn't! She is so close to 100 followers... head over and check her out!
The Lower Elementary Cottage
Ok folks! Enjoy your weekend, I am spending mine with my veteran hubby. Don't forget to thank a veteran this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out! You're awesome! Now I'm only 8 followers away from the giveaway, and I think I have you to thank for the 2 new followers I got today :) I'm so excited to have you as a part of my giveaway! I'm getting the post ready so it's all set when I hit 100!

    The Lower Elementary Cottage
