
Monday, August 6, 2012

Made it Monday & Currently

Hiya everyone!
Today was my first official day back to work! My goodness, where did the time go??? The students report next Monday but us teachers have a packed week of Professional Development. Remember that resolution about complaining less? Well, I did my best today! As with the start of every school year, things change (and almost always for the better) but no one really likes too much change, right? I did my best job about not complaining when the administration let us know that we would now be doing a weekly lunch supervision. WHHHAAATTT???? We've never done this in the past so a big change for us! We are getting a prep time though, so even trade? Almost. In California right now it is a blazing 105 degrees with no chance of getting cold anytime soon. So, I may melt during lunch supervision but I'll be frosty during prep time. 

Anyway, on to my Made it Monday for 4th Grade Frolics' Linky Party. This is seriously the most awesome linky, I looove to see others' creativity! It doesn't have anything to do with my classroom but for me. It was Pinterest inspired... I took my headphones that I use in my car (safety first) and covered them in embroidery floss to avoid a tangled mess. They came out super cute! While they are super cute, it took FOR-EV-ER to make! Let me say that again, FOR-EV-ER! Over 3 hours total. Once I got the hang of it, it wasn't so bad but I did have to stop and come back to them to finish. I used a YouTube video to take me through the steps. You can find the video here and the Pin that inspired me here.

Here it is...
Not the best but soooo easy to find in my Mary Poppins-like purse and now they won't be tangled!

Don't forget to link up with Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for your Currently. There are over 300 people linking up so far! Isn't that amazing?!
My 3 B2S must haves are really my must haves every year!
1. I spend way too much time getting everything ready for the new kiddos. I just can't start a new school year with having to dig for something!
2. I just got these 80's Glam Sharpie Pens... LOVE THEM! A new plan book is a must. Actually, I spilled a little tea on my new plan book after already writing all the dates and everything in it SOO I went out a got a new one. I mean, I can't start the year with a sticky, brown plan book, right? A fresh, new one was a must!
3. I have to have a new outfit for at least the first day of school and for Back to School night. Nothing makes me feel better than the confidence a new outfit brings me! hehe. My husband may disagree...

Ok people! Since this is the week before school starts, I WILL be posting pictures of my classroom soon. I got carried away with doing nothing last week so they will come this week.

Stay tuned! 


  1. I want my hubby to come to school and help me too! I completely agree with needing a new outfit and a neat, organized classroom! A definite must!! :)


    1. HA! My hubby came in to move boxes & bookshelves around and realized why he doesn't come very often! =)
      Thanks for stopping by Rachel!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  2. I definitely am in need of a mani/pedi for the beginning of the school year!! I wish summer would go on longer too. It has gone all too fast! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  3. Ahhhh... the days of my husband helping me in my classroom. Wait-that was only 1 day and it was 9 years ago! :)

    Found your blog through Farley's currently linky party. I used to teach kindergarten but moved to 6th grade 2 years ago. I miss them, but I like having energy left in my body at the end of the day! :)


    1. Energy? You have energy after work? Lucky you! Kindergarten sure does take up all of mine! lol
      Thanks for stopping by!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  4. Found your blog through the Monday Made It and I'm your newest follower. I teach at a charter school in CA too! Would love for you to stop by my blog sometime!

    Success in Second Grade
    Don’t forget to check out My Summer in Pictures Linky Party

    1. OOOOhhhh! I'm definitely going to check out your Linky Party, it sounds exciting!
      Woo hoo for a SoCal bloggy buddy!
      Thanks for stopping by,
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  5. Thanks for the follow!
    You have like my favorite blog name. ever.

    Carrie :)
    The First Grade Derby

    1. HAHA! Thanks for saying that! I always giggle a little when I type it!

      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  6. Don't you love a new first day of school outfit?! It's the best. :) I'm also a kindergarten teacher & I hope you'll come follow me too so we can share ideas! And be friends of course! ;)

    Little Miss Glamour Goes to Kindergarten

    1. Absolute best!
      Thanks for stopping by, I'm already one of your followers and I would LOVE to share ideas and be friends of course!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  7. Hey! I'm your newest follower and I love the way you "talk", sounds just like one of my I'm right there with you! Ha!

    We always have lunch duty. We have to stay in the lunchroom while our kids eat and we take them outside for break as well, but that's scheduled by us whenever we can fit it in. I've heard of a duty-free lunch, but that's all...heard...never actually been able to take part in.

    Come follow me at my new blog...just getting it up and running!


    1. You always have lunch duty? Maybe I shouldn't say anything about my once a week lunch duty, huh?
      Thanks for coming by Susan, I'm headed over to you right now!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  8. I found you through the Monday Made it! Those are awesome--I am just reading Mary Poppins--there are so many more adventures in the book than the movie. Her bag is amazing! I am your newest follower. I would love to have you come by and visit my blog.

    1. I am totally stopping by your blog! Thanks for stopping by, I love new followers!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten
