
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

New {School} Year Resolutions & a New Item!

I have been gone sooo long! Well, not actually, just since Thursday. And I actually didn't go anywhere. I was just taking some time away from my computer. Friday was my last day of summer school. WOOO HOOO! Summer school was a killer this year. I'm glad it's done. BUT, now that summer school is done, that means my new class is coming soon! I have one week, yes, one week to myself before heading back to school for a week of professional development and then... school!!! A fresh new batch of kindergarteners. I'll have pictures of my ready-to-go classroom soon. Before the reveal of my classroom (as if you haven't seen it already), I wanted to share a new item I have on my TPT store. It is a Math Posters Set. I figured I'd put them in a bundle to save some people time & money. You can visit my TPT store to get your own... I'm giving away 3.. 2 to the first 2 people to comment today and 1 more to a new follower!

Since school is fast approaching, I am LOVING this linky from Teaching Maddeness: New {School} Year Resolutions. It will be much easier to stick to the resolution when I have all of you to back me up and keep me in track! (How cute is that Linky Party image!? I want to link up more now because it's so cute!)
Resolution #1
Keep the desk clear!
I just downsized my desk. I had 2 before, a teacher desk and a teacher computer desk. I use my laptop for everything so I got rid of the desktop, the computer desk and downsized to just a teacher's desk. I realized that the computer desk was not only taking up a lot of space but it was also my dumping ground and hiding spot. I HAVE to avoid that this year especially with only one teeny teacher desk. I just got a paper sorter, some small drawers and I am ready for a clean, organized desk.

Resolution #2
Find a happy medium!
I LOVE my job. I really do. Because I love it so much, I often get caught up in too much work! I like to help, I like to be involved in many different things and I LOVE to create things for my team & classroom. OH! And I LOOOVEE to blog. Blogging has made me a better teacher in so many ways. The downfall to loving what I do and wanting to learn more? I forget to enjoy my time away from work! I NEED to find a happy balance between spending time with work and spending time with my family. Balance, balance, balance. I'm thinking I might need to schedule & limit my blogging, pinning and creating...

Resolution #3
Bring a lunch to school everyday!
I am horrible at packing lunches. Horrible. I almost always have a Lean Cuisine or Smart Ones for lunch (whichever is on sale) because they are easy and affordable. There are also those days when my kinder team and I say, "Going out?" Which is often followed by, "YES!" Sometimes we just need to go away for lunch. Well, I have to admit, those out-to-lunch lunches are taking a toll on my pocket and my waist. I am going to pack a lunch everyday! That's it! I'm doing it. I'll probably pack the night before...

Resolution #4
Complain less!
It is so easy to complain about an unwanted unexpected assembly or fire drill. It is so easy to complain about the budget cuts taking a toll on our own finances because we spend so much time and money invested in our classrooms. It is so easy to complain about those parents, you know, those parents.My most important resolution is to complain less and do more. Complain less about what is happening and do more to make it better. Who is with me on that one??

That's it for today! I can't wait to go back and read others' resolutions. Don't forget to check out my TPT store for the Math Posters Set and comment fast to get yours FREE!

Happy Tuesday! 


  1. I am a new follower!!! Would love the poster set!

    1. Welcome Amber! Shoot me an email so I can send you the poster set.

      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  2. Your poster set looks awesome!
    I love your resolutions! I would have the same ones except for bringing a lunch everyday! I just know I'll definitely have those days when we just need to go out! :) Good luck on all of them and enjoy your week off!

    Melissa @ Klassy in Kindergarten

    1. Thanks Melissa! I'm sending the poster set your way!
      I have a feeling that lunch one is going to be the hardest of them all! I always feel like those Twix commercials that say, "Wanna get away?" lol.
      I'm gonna try my best though!

      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  3. I love the poster set! I'm new to Kindergarten this year and I can use all the "new" stuff I can get! PS--I love your blog--it's one of my favorites!

    1. oops missed a letter in my email

    2. Aww thank you for your kind words Lisa! That makes me feel so much better about spending my time behind my computer. Good luck with kindergarten this year, I am full of kindergarten tips and tricks, just ask! =)
      I'm sending the posters your way.
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  4. I completely agree with #1 and #4. Those were 2 of my resolutions too! Your math pack looks great! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  5. I ama new follower, thanks for visiting my blog! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your math posters! Great job!

  6. Thanks for linking up to the party, Vanessa! I'm glad to see I'm not the only one too lazy to make my lunch! I usually just bring a Cliff Bar or yogurt. We eat lunch with our kiddos, so going out is not an option. :(

    Teaching Maddeness
    PS...I'm your newest follower!

  7. I totally agree with #3 and #4. Our school lets teachers have lunch for free but usually it's fattening and doesn't taste that great..I need to remember to pack my lunch the night before! And often times I hear negative responses and I'd like to steer clear from all of that :)

  8. Your resolutions are great...especially the one about complaining- so easy to do! I need to work on that one too! Glad that you found my blog! Enjoy your last few days of your break!

