
Thursday, August 9, 2012

It's Thursday? OH NO!

OH NO! My summer is all gone (almost). Monday is school, with students!!! AHHH!!! Ok, Ok, enough with that. Today we had another all day professional development day. We are starting an IWT school wide which is really exciting for me. The problem is that there is no time! Well, we'll make time. Who needs a recess or lunch time, really? lol. Just kidding. After a full day (9-3) of meetings, seminars and what-nots. I was able to get into my classroom for some work. From 6-8 today we also had a Back to School Picnic. It is so crazy and so fun... for the parents and students, not for the teachers. We just want to get into our classrooms! Though, the picnic is important especially for the kinder kiddos that I haven't met yet. During the picnic is the time when everyone finds out which classroom they will be in for the upcoming year so that is always exciting!
Anywho, I'm sharing some of my classroom pictures today and then some more tomorrow. I have to finish everything tomorrow because I am going camping this weekend! Not my idea, my husband's. Not a very good idea given the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL ON MONDAY but I guess I'll survive. haha.

Ok... here we go... let me know what you think!
View from the front door straight ahead

View from the front door to the right

View from my co-teacher's desk to the right

View from my co-teacher's desk to the left
My creative tools bookshelf

I don't have a sink in my classroom so this is what we rely on: baby wipes and paper towels! (you can get a glimpse of my co-teacher's fiance, oops!)

Classroom Library

Free Choice Activities (I'm missing a label on the scrap paper box)

"Centers Shelf"

Turn it in organizer (Thank you Donor's Choose)

Some of my students sit in cube chairs and others on the carpet squares. They will all have their names on them. (I am missing a few, I have 22 students if you were counting. lol)

I (actually my grandma) sewed on some velcro to the carpet squares to stick the name tags on. I also did this to the cube chairs so that I can switch seats around if I need to.

My teacher library. It's a little messy but you can see that I used manila folders to separate the sections. I'm in the process of re-vamping those folders
"The Blue Bookshelf"

My to do list. This is my third one minus the long one in my head!
That reminds me! Join in on Ms. Shope's Linky Party! She's having a to-do list linky party... You just saw mine, no show us yours! lol
Come back tomorrow for some more close ups of my classroom and hopefully a finished product! =)


  1. Your classroom looks great! I love how much space you have to work in!

    1. Thank you! It is actually a quite small classroom but I make it work the best way I know how! =)

      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  2. Your classroom looks great! It is so cute and colorful, I like it! I like how you used those crate chairs for your computer area! I hope you post a picture of your "drying rack", I am intrigued!!!


  3. Your room is so cute! I love the little chairs on the carpet. Have a great first week and thanks for linking up!

    Swimming into Second
