
Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday Photo Dump

Hi Everyone!
It was my last day in the classroom before the students come... yikes! I feel so rushed! My husband planned a wonderful camping trip for us...we leave TODAY! AAAHHH!!! Doesn't he know how much stuff I have to do??? I am excited to go to rest my brain because it has been working a mile a minute this week. There are so many changes (for the better) at our school this year with teachers, schedules, administration, academic programs and curriculum and of course, students! I have an exciting year ahead of me!
Here are the last few shots I got of my classroom, hopefully next week's photo dump will be work from my students!
Positive Behavior Support System. I use the traffic light to cue the noise level in my classroom.

Marble Jar (more PBS), Helpers chart: everyone has a job here!

Daily Schedule. I review this each and every morning with my class. We say the times and activities chorally.

Calendar board. Most of my helpers have a job to help with some sort of the morning meeting which includes this board.

Computer table.

One of my kindergarten team members made these for us to show the students the steps of what to do at each center, i.e. cut, color, glue, cubby.

I laminated a library pocket to hold all of the choices. There is one for each table.

Trying to stay organized!

My desk area. Teeny tiny but it works.
As I was looking through the pictures I see some things that I forgot to take pictures of. If you are curious about anything you see, feel free to ask!

Happy Friday everyone! I'm off to the river!

As the school year approaches everyone too, don't forget to check out my TPT products, these are my best sellers right now:


  1. The steps are sign is a great idea!! I would love to make something like that for my classroom. Thanks for sharing! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. Great classroom management/behavior support! Good luck next week and have fun on your trip :)

  3. LOVE the idea for clear directions on the acrylic frame. So smart. I will not have to write it down anymore! Yeah!

    Hope you have a great year. Your room looks great!

