
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

It's Tuesday?

Does anyone else lose track of time when they are on vacation? I don't have to read and repeat the date everyday, so why know it at all? lol. I am forcing myself, yes forcing myself, to stay away from my classroom for the next week and a half. I have summer school stuff to prepare and organizing to do BUT I have all summer, right? For the next week and a half, I am pinning and kicking my feet up!
I came across this picture today and I wanted to share with everyone. As I was reading it, I was like "YES!"
Anyone have something that they say to respond to ridiculous statements like these? How do you respond? I either give a blank stare OR just give a smile and nod. Sandra says I have to practice my "I don't TOTALLY hate you face" in the mirror, that especially comes out in situations like these. hehehehe.

What do YOU do?


  1. I was just wondering where in CA you are? I am possibly looking for a charter school for my kindergartner for next fall. We live outside Sacramento in a town called Orangevale. Do you know of any good charter schools in our area? Thank you so much! This is my oldest child and I am freaking out about school (even thought I have my teaching license! Thanks! Megan

    1. Hi Megan!
      Unfortunately, I am in the San Fernando Valley, nowhere near Sacramento. I have lived in CA all my life but never been that far north so I don't know any schools around you, so sorry! You might want to check out It doesn't give you all the information you need but it is a start. Sorry I can't be more helpful. Also, you are not alone in the "freaking out about school parents club." Good luck on your search!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  2. This just made me think of this poem they gave out in one of my classes last semester. "What Teachers Make" :)

    1. I have seen that a million times and I read each word, every time! I love that story!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  3. I'm so glad that I came across your blog today. I cannot stand when people tell me that I get paid to "play" all day. Psh! If they only knew...

    P.S. I'm a new follower :)

    1. "If they only knew" is right!
      Thanks for following Chelsey!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten
