
Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday Photo Dump

Hi Friends!
It's Friday and I'm trying something new... a photo dump! I don't know about you, but I often scroll through blogs to check out all the pictures before I start reading all of the entries. I just love to look at other classrooms and when I see pictures, I look at every detail in the background. I should keep this in mind when I post pictures too, right? With that said, my classroom is lacking it's usual color and pizzazz, it is summer and we are supposed to take EVERYTHING down and off the shelves for cleaning. BUT since I'll be teaching summer school, I have just the essentials for summer school. Everything else is locked up in a shed making a home for some spiders.
Here are my pictures! When you're all done looking, let me know what you think. I have some questions throughout the pictures. Should I make this a weekly thing? 
Cutting up laminate for my BUILD math centers
The start of my BUILD board
Students choose 2 a day and place them under their name

More laminate... YAY!
Another teacher brought some goodies for me and my co-teacher
BUILD boxes, New library with labels and Free Choice Boxes with labels (those puzzles are driving me crazy)
Close up of new library with the labels. Much better, right?
Close up of free choice boxes. I put the labels on with packing tape but I don't think it will stay very long. Any suggestions?
BUILD board with all 60 students' names. Summer school is lots of work! You can also see my TV and desk.
Close up of BUILD board and the choices. One black and one green choice per day.
Another dollar tree steal! These blue baskets match my library boxes. I zip tied them together so they stay in place. The middle one is for whiteboard erasers which are really cut up squares of fabric. I'll have to make a label soon. 
I had to fix the puzzles. My OCD at it's best.
I put this together with zip ties too. Not sure what to do yet with the empty space. For now there are clipboards on the bottom and whiteboards on the top.
What I have to look forward to sorting through. And look what I got from the office, 8 matching red binders. I wonder what I'll do with them...
Enjoy your Friday!
If you are here, follow me! =)


  1. I'm with ya...I love looking at pics of other classrooms! Yours in lookin' good!
    If I were you, I would move the pencil (broken/sharp) to the outside of those three blue baskets (have 'em and love 'em) because that will probably get used the most!
    As for attaching the labels to those darling cubes, I saw somewhere that you could use brads in the corners and they will poke through the fabric then you can fasten them...I think I'm gonna give it a try!
    Have fun cutting out laminating!

    1. That's a great suggestion about the pencil cups! Thanks! I should probably get bigger cups now that I think of it some more. Hmmm... another dollar tree trip?
      I was also thinking velcro circles for the fabric boxes but I think I might like the brads, too! Decisions, decisions! If you do the brads, will you let me know what you think? I mean I have until August to make a decision. LOL. Oh my, what a fun summer I'll have!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  2. You can attach things to those cute fabrics drawers using those binder rings around the handle. You'd have to punch a hole in your label, though:) I love seeing all your ideas in pictures! THanks, Stephanie

    1. Thanks for coming by Stephanie! Pictures are my favorite part of blogs! I think I might have to try the binder ring idea although, I'm not sure about punching a hole through my label. lol. I'm heading back to my classroom this week so I'll be able to post the results!
      Come back soon!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten
