Monday, November 5, 2012

November Currently

Hola Amigos!
I am so happy to be back! I have been nursing my family back to health for a week now and I am ready to be done! hehe. Seriously, I don't know who has been worse, my husband or my mother! Well, we all know the answer to that... MY HUSBAND! lol. They are both healthy and I am glad for that!
Here is my November currently... I can't believe it's only the 5th and I'm already late for the party... better late than never AND I LOVE the rule of 3... Head over to Farley's blog to find some new blogs and read ALLLLL of the currentlys (if you have enough time!)...
Listening: The Big Bang Theory! I love that show! Soo glad there are re-runs on everyday!

Loving: The extra hour of sleep. Enough said.

Thinking: HOW THE HECK DO ALL OF YOU DO IT!?? We had Halloween, Report Cards and parent conferences last week... I was pooped! I don't know how all of you juggle work, life & blogging so well...

Wanting: New fall clothes... c'mon.... everyone needs them, right?

Needing: A BREAK! A THANKSGIVING BREAK! Who's with me? We don't get a Fall Break like some of you others out there so I feel like I am running on empty about now. I need a little break to recharge my batteries

Music: Oh man, I didn't even know what to write there. Music for myself is the local radio stations... Music in the classroom? SO MUCH ALL THE TIME! I use a song for clean ups, to introduce new lessons, review &  brain breaks. I also use videos (now that I have my pretty whiteboard) all the time. I went to a professional development my first year of teaching and got a chance to see Rick Morris who is AMAZING! He gave us a CD that I have used everyday since... Check it out... The videos? I like to see Harry Kindergarten's work... it is fantastic! I "rapped" about the seasons today, my kids LOVE his work! As do I...  
I use this one everyday for clean up...

One last thing...

Ok friends... That's all I got today... Be back tomorrow!


  1. You are one good gal to take care of your mother and husband while they're sick. I love the Big Bang Theory too.
    The Hive

  2. Following the rule of three and visiting today! Your currently makes me want to watch The Big bang Theory and put more music into my classroom! Might make transitions more fun!


  3. Just popped over to your blog through the linky. I am ready for Thanksgiving too. I love spending time with my family that I don't get to see often enough.

    KinderKids Fun
