
Monday, April 8, 2013

We have a winner!

Hi friends!
My giveaway was a great success! Woo Hoo! Thank you all for participating but today is the day and there can only be one winner... This person wins...
- a $10 TpT gift card
- 1 thing from my TpT Store
- 1 thing from Adie's TpT Store
- 1 thing from Mrs. Leeby's TpT Store
- 1 thing from Miss Elementary's TpT Store
- 1 thing from Simpon's Superstar's TpT Store

Thank you to all those folks who so generously donated to my giveaway!
The Winner you ask???

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Congratulations Yvonnee! Look out for an email from me and check out the TpT stores to look for the goodies you'd like to get!

That's all for today friends, tomorrow I am taking pictures of my classroom for my mid-year classroom photos linky party... be sure to snap some too and come back tomorrow to join in!

(now off to try to make a cute button for it, lol)

Good night!

1 comment:

  1. I was just thinking about how I want to change up my classroom for next year and was starting to look for classroom photos. I am excited you are hosting a linky for just that!!! :)

    Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten
