
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Insects Continued and another Freebie!

Hello again friends!
I wanted to share the rest of my insect stuff with you all but first... What do you all think about a mid-year classroom photos linky party?? thumbs up? thumbs down?
So, I was going to go to work today, take some photos of the activities I wanted to blog about and get ahead with some prep stuff BUT I spent the entire day at the stinkin' DMV! UGH! I spent 3 hours waiting and 3 minutes completing my transaction. AND my phone had just 30% battery so I couldn't sit and tweet, pin or read on my nook app. So, I'll have to put the pictures up next week. Sorry.

Anyway, this year we spent our time teaching just 4 insects: ants, ladybugs, bees and butterflies. We started the unit with a KWL chart which the students LOVED because I typed their responses right in front of them. They were so excited to see their words on the interactive whiteboard as I typed it. I always include the name of the person who helped fill out our chart so at the end of each sentence I typed you'd hear the whole class say that student's name. It goes a little like this:
"Boy bees are called drones"
"Great idea Andy! Let me type that, Boy bees are called dron..."
"Oh, Andy said that? Thanks friends"

I love it! Carrying on...
We also label the parts of the insects we learn about. I set up a whole Insects bulletin board/station for the students to come back to and for us to add to. Here is a snapshot of it...
At this point, we had not gotten to our L part of the KWL but the K and W are up. After we learn about each insect (we spent about a week on each one), we type up what we know about that particular insect. You can see under each one of the insects is a sheet of facts that the students have helped me create. I use that same type during the lesson approach and it is quite engaging and meaningful. I also like that the students remember who said what fact when we create charts. In the picture, you can also see my Insect Lifecycles which you can download for free here. We also fill in a sheet to describe each of the insects. We give a big talk about being Entomologists during our insect unit and the kids guzzle it up! Does anyone use Kaplan's Icons of Depth and Complexity? We do so you'll see the little glasses icon on the sheets but there is a set without them too.
When we get to bees, we make our own little bee with bee facts on it but you can use this template for any of the insects. I'm so bummed that there are no pictures to go with the activities but I will get them to you asap. Promise.
Here is the activity we do (your freebie!): 

Get it for free at my TpT store here
Lastly, my favorite part of the Insect unit... INSECT JEOPARDY! We play teachers versus students and they get so fired up! You can see just how competitive they are when we play! lol. One of the questions asks, 
"What is another word for a butterfly's wings that means the same on both sides?" 
As the teachers, my co-teacher and I thought out loud by saying things like, "hmmm, I wonder what it could be? Maybe equal? no... I just can't remember because it is a long word... hmmmm... I think it starts with a /S? sound..." 
One of the students yells out, "CHICKEN POX!" 
Chicken pox? I couldn't resist laughing. He was really trying to throw me off my game. lol. You can grab Insect Jeopardy at my TpT store here
BUT if you are one of the first 3 people to comment, you can get it for free!!! Let me know what you think about starting a Mid-Year Classroom Photos Linky Party... and it's yours !

Don't forget to enter my giveaway!


  1. i hope this doesn't double post. a midyear linky could be a final push for the end of the year.

  2. I give a thumbs up it would be nuce to see and share pictures.

  3. I give a thumbs up it would be nuce to see and share pictures.

  4. Yeah! I am number 3 as the second person posted 2 times! Thumbs up!

  5. Yeah! I am number 3 as the second person posted 2 times! Thumbs up!
