
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Autism Awareness and Let's Get Acquainted!

First of all- Happy Autism Awareness Day!
I work at an amazing inclusive charter school. We strive to meet the needs of all students. In my kindergarten classroom, I have students who are gifted, typical and have special needs. The best part of all of it? Watching the kids learn and grow with and from each other. The empathy and respect that our students learn from being in classrooms with friends who would typically be in a separate classroom is astounding! I cannot even put it into words. I am thankful that there is more awareness for students with autism and I hope for every person- especially teachers- to know that there is nothing wrong with any person with autism, just something different just like you and me. Visit my friend Adie's blog, she is a Special Education teacher at my school and an awesome person! Special Education Meets General Education

Ok, next order of business... Let's Get Acquainted!
I just started following Flying Into First Grade's blog and she has an awesome idea for a new linky each Sunday! This Sunday is about our faves, here are mine...

Favorite Place to Shop
Ummm...well... I have a little bit of a problem with shopping! lol. I can spend some serious time at the mall. But what can I never resist, ever?? TARGET!  Target holds a special place in my heart (and my wallet)

Favorite TV Show
I'm a little embarassed about how much TV I really watch... let's just say my DVR is always full. But here are a few shows that I hate missing... New Girl, The Mindy Project, Any of the Real Housewives series, Grey's Anatomy, Modern Family and The Office

Favorite Sweet Treat
Doughnuts! I LOOOOVE doughnuts! So bad for you but soooo tasty. I like to bake, a LOT, so I usually don't eat too much of what I bake but I do love some doughnuts!

Favorite Food
PIZZA! That's it, I just love pizza. (I'm not really that healthy, am I?)

Favorite Restaurant
Wood Ranch BBQ...yummy! In fact, today's the day my hubby makes his final decision about work, so maybe we will visit Wood Ranch tonight!

Ok, your turn, Link up!

Lastly, are any of you on Twitter??? Follow me! (in the right sidebar) I just followed The 3am Teacher this morning and totally got hooked, there are so many bloggers out there on Twitter! I joined last month and haven't been able to put it down since, I can't wait to start tying in my blog, my job and everything in between!

Also, don't forget to enter my giveaway! 200 followers and counting, yippee!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I LOVE Target too!! Great giveaway! Congrats on 200!:)

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  2. I love Target, too. They just have the cutest clothes and shoes, and are reasonably priced. I love the designers who design lines for Target. I get so excited when I read about a new "designer" line coming to Target. And their commercials are just so cute!!

    1. Yes! Although, sometimes I think, "Really, this is target, I'm not spending THAT on THIS!" lol.
      Thanks for stopping in!

  3. Love your blog! I am so happy to have found this :)

    The Adventures of Room 83

  4. Target holds a special place in my heart too! Love it!

    The Teaching Twosome

  5. Just found your blog through the linky! Congrats on 200 followers! I love to shop at Target too, doesn't every teacher?! I'm a new follower!

    An Apple a Day in First Grade

    1. Yes! I guess so, why go anywhere else? Classroom supplies, teacher clothes, house stuff, everything in one place!

      Thank you for coming by!

  6. Love the housewives shows too but I try not to advertise the fact. Too much trashy tv might rot my brain.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Klass

    1. Ha! Yes, my husband thinks my brain HAS rotted a little from the trash TV I watch!

  7. Haha, I love New Girl! :) Congrats!!

    You're So Sharp!
