
Monday, December 3, 2012


I made it back just in time for December's Currently!
I have had a whirlwind past few weeks! My mom had surgery, my husband is in his final weeks of school (fingers crossed it all goes well), I have a student teacher and you know what? I sure do love my naps! lol. But I'm done being a blog slacker...
Here's my currently...
RAK= Random Act of Kindness... I'm gonna do it! Pay it forward friends!

Oh! And I wanted to share that I got an award today! Well, everyone gets one, it just so happened to be my turn. =) My students were so excited for me. I really hate being put on the spot though, I could feel my face turn tomato red in front of all of kindergarten, first grade, and their families. The nicest part was that the administrator giving the award had some really kind things to say about me AND it just so happens that her daughter is in my class. It was sweet.  Does anyone else feel their ears burning and face turn red in public or is it just me? Anyone know how to control that?? lol.

Anyway, head over to Farley's blog to read all of the other wonderful Currentlys...

Happy Monday!


  1. Hello from another California blogger! :) I'm down in So Cal.

    It seems like the Starbucks idea is very popular, but it's SUCH a great idea! (Although my luck would have me pay for some insane crazy order, but that's the luck of the draw, right?!)

    Congrats on your award too!

    Life In Middle School

    1. I didn't realize that I was being trendy today! hehe. It would totally be my luck that the person behind me is ordering for a soccer team or something!

      Thanks for stopping in Lauren!

  2. Love your RAK! I hope I run into someone like you next time I'm at Starbucks (which might be tomorrow). I found you through the Currently Linky. I am your newest follower!

    Clearly Kindergarten

    1. Thanks Sarah!

      I'm heading over to your blog right now... WELCOME to my little ol' blog!

  3. Yay for your award! I also have a student teacher right now. It's been so nice being able to work with students one on one and in small groups. It's almost like having a full time assistant!!!!

    Debbie :-)
    K is for Kinderrific

    1. Thank you very much Debbie!
      I has been nice to have an extra pair of hands. 2 more week though, then I'm on my own again! Good thing I'll be well rested (maybe).

  4. Hello! California bloggers here! We just found your blog through the linky and we're now following you!

    The REAL Teachers of Orange County
