
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Kindergarten Common Core

Hello everybody!
I usually reserve my Saturday mornings for blog hoppin', sleepin' in and cuddling. I try to avoid opening up my laptop (I blog hop on my Google Reader app on my phone) because I ALWAYS get sucked in to working! Hello, my name is Vanessa and I'm a workaholic.
Anyway, I HAD to open up and write today because as I was blog hoppin I noticed this Kindergarten Common Core thing going around and I just had to know what the buzz was. Have you seen this workbook???

It is amazing! It is a workbook with worksheets, posters, activity centers... over 600 pages worth! At my school, we haven't completely moved to common core yet but we will next year and I have been on the hunt for fantastic resources just like this workbook! School workshops are great BUT I always have to think about how I can change things to fit kindergarten. Guess what? I don't have to do that when I get this workbook! I'm so excited! It includes something for ALL of the standards. ALL OF THEM. Wow. This is such a great resource for kindergarten teachers. I am totally going to talk to administration about getting these for each grade level at our school.

To summarize: Get this Kindergarten Common Core workbook ASAP.

Bloggers, if you haven't already, click here to write a blog post similar to mine and snag your own copy for free. While I still think this is a fantastic resource, getting it for free will make it soo much better! Hurry up, the giveaway ends tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I have bookmarked your blog, the articles are way better than other similar blogs.. thanks for a great blog! common core workbooks
