
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Happy Tuesday!

Hi Everybody!
I feel so out of the loop, I've been missing from the bloggy world for soooo long! Well, just since Wednesday but it seems like forever!
I had an absolutely awful day yesterday but today was a new day AND guess what came in??? Yup! You guessed it, my interactive whiteboard!  See that big box?? It has all of my excitement just waiting inside for me! lol. Now, I need to get it up, get it on and start playing!
Oh, and look around my classroom, it may look a little different after the install! I'M SO GIDDY! I can't wait.
So that awful day? Oh my!! It... was... a... doozy!!!! I was such a mess that I left my desk looking like this...
MESSY!! I think my desk will look a little different after the whiteboard install also. It is a big jumbled mess!
I had a new para professional come in to my classroom yesterday to work with my students and, remember D? Yeah, he didn't think that having someone new was such a great idea so he decided not to come into the classroom. And he decided to take off his clothes, again. And he screamed for a long time. He has the strongest lungs ever! hehe. AND it was picture day which meant that our daily schedule was out of whack because we had be on standby for pictures all morning. To sum it all up, it was awful. BUT today was definitely a new day! Our new paraprofessional didn't get scared away and she did an absolutely wonderful job with all of the students today. I left school with so many successes!
We taught Left & Right today and, as you know, this is a tough concept for these little guys. I totally forgot to take pictures, I'm really needing to work on that. The whole class went on a scavenger hunt around the school to find all of the shapes on our list... We could only go on this hunt if we knew our Left and Right! (well, everyone went but I said this anyway to keep them on their toes!) We found one shape, stood in line in front of it and then found out how to get to the next shape.
Me: "Here is the pink rectangle! We need to find the green triangle next. To find the green triangle, we need to turn left!"
Class: "Left is this way!" (1/4 of them pointing to the right)
Me:"Ok everyone, point the the LEFT... no, LEFT... your other hand... YES! LEFT! Let's go!"
I carried my Left and Right signs with me and used them to help with the directions. You can find the signs in my Math Posters Set OR leave me a comment and I'll send you them for FREE! You can kinda see them in the first picture on this post but hey, if you don't like them, at least they are free! lol.
Next thing on the list? I have a new item on TPT! During our story times, or any time I pick up a book in front of my class, I ask the students about the front cover, back cover, spine, author and illustrator... Now I have some cute posters and cards to go with that! I plan to post the posters and use the cards to pull and ask students. I may call some kids up, choose a card and tell me about that part of the book... The set is just $2!

Do you like the font I used in this picture??? Rowdy in Room 300 has some adorable fonts available on her blog... check it out!


  1. Hey Vanessa,
    I love the idea of a left / right scavenger hunt, I'll have to remember that one. Congratulations on your whiteboard...I'm totally jealous. I just wanted to let you know I love reading your blog and I gave you a shout out on my blog today. Thanks for posting about how to earn a free kindergarten common core guide. I would never have known about it if you hadn't posted. Thanks again,

    ✰ Stacy

    Simpson Superstars

    1. Aww thanks Stacy! That means so much to me, you have no idea! I can't wait to start using my board soon!

      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  2. Congrats on your interactive whiteboard! I'm also in Sunny CA. :) I'd love a copy of your signs if they are still available. I don't have a blog but love to read them, get ideas, and support those of you who do blog and share! I found you through Simpson Superstars via Rowdy in Room 300 and I follow your TpT store. ;)
    lorepuckett at verizon dot net

    1. Thanks for dropping in Lorena! I will absolutely send you my left-right signs! I'm glad you enjoy the blogging world as much as I do, even if you don't have a blog of your own. Thanks for following me!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

    2. Super, thanks! :)

      lorepuckett at verizon dot net
