
Monday, September 3, 2012

Currently and Open House Linky

Are you ready for some Farley!?! It's Currently Linky Party Time!

September?? I can't believe it! September is a special month for me... a quite emotional one, too. September 14th is my wonderful grandfather's birthday and we always celebrate his beautiful years together. He passed last May, which has been really hard on me and my family. Then, September 17th is my wedding anniversary!! It will be 2 years this year. Time is flying right by us. AND now that our anniversary is coming around, also come the baby questions... "Nope, not yet" I always say. THEN, my first and only nephew's birthday is September 28th. He will be 2! 2! He is definitely a terrible 2 right now. But oh, so adorable when he is. In case you caught that, my sister was pregnant for my wedding. REALLY pregnant. Full term pregnant. We ordered her dress 2 sizes too big and had it fitted to her the day before because there was just no knowing what could happen. I told her to hold him in until after the ceremony! lol. She did. And 11 days after that. He is a beautiful little addition to our family. Man, I'm all teared up just writing this. 
On to the next order of business (as I wipe away some tears)... The Open House Linky Party!!
Hosted at Teaching Blog Addict. It's a week long linky party to get to know you! Sounds fun right??
Monday- Meet the teacher...tell us about you and your teaching style
Well, you just found out that I am a little emotional this month, lol. About me? I am 27, I have been married for almost 2 years and I love teaching! This is my 5th class and I love everything about it. I love the excitement of the first days. I love the organization of the classroom. I love teaching new routines and the aha! moments that I see in my students everyday. It's such a rewarding job that we have. My teaching style is hard to describe. In fact, I don't think I have ever had to describe it so here's my attempt: I am firm but kind, organized and fun. I make silly jokes, silly faces and have a LOT of dance breaks with my kiddos. I enjoy my time with my students, I laugh with them, sigh with them and yawn with them. I try my very best to make sure that everyone is ready and present, and especially, benefiting from each lesson. I teach at a school that is full inclusion. Making lessons that are Universally Designed to meet each students' needs is a fantastic method. Time consuming? Yes. But worth it in so many ways. I love that my students are kind, welcoming and non-judgmental. I like to assume that it is with my guidance and modeling that they are so kind and helpful to their peers. It is easy to leave someone out because they are different but in my classroom, that is unacceptable. My classroom is structured and expectations are followed through. Does everyone get the same things? No. Why? Because everyone gets what they need. I know that. Students know that. Does everyone get the same attention and respect they deserve? ABSOLUTELY.
I love my job.


  1. I love the silence of a day off too (until my 2 year old wakes up)!!! I really enjoyed reading your post! It was just beautifully written! Happy Anniversary & Happy Birthday to your nephew! :)

    Lacie Brown

    1. Aww, thanks Lacie. It really means a lot to me that you would say that. No two year olds for me though, just a hungry husband, lol.
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  2. I wish our weather was cooling down here in Texas! We still have another 8-12 weeks before we'll see a change in weather. :-(


    1. Don't get me wrong, it's still hot here! Just 90 degree hot, not 112 hot. lol. Hang in there, it will be cold sooner than you think!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  3. I really want food to be made, my house to be clean, and ALL of my laundry done without lifting a finger too! If you find out how to do that, please let me know!! :)

    My nephew turned 2 on August 1 and I just love him so much. Your nephew is adorable! Isn't being an aunt just so much fun?!


    1. You will be the first to know Rachel! lol.
      I LOVE being an aunt so much... I just look at him and say "Anthony, you're so cute" and he says, "You-t?" SO ADORABLE!
      Thanks for stopping by!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  4. I can totally relate about needing to turn off my computer, but I am saying Nah, too! Having too much fun relaxing!
    Just found your darling blog!

    1. Yup! I'm sure I'll regret it later though... there is still much to do but sitting here seems so much better right now. lol.
      Thanks for stopping in Robynn!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  5. Hey! I'm a California teacher too! I have K-2 special education right now, but I've taught general ed for 3 years too. I just came across your blog through the TBA linky and I'm your newest follower :)

    The Lower Elementary Cottage

    1. WOW! Thanks for following me! I love to read special education blogs, I get so many tips and tricks from you guys that benefit all students! I'm headed over to you right now...
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  6. Thanks for checking out my blog and following me! I am just loving connecting with other teachers and all the ideas I have gotten is amazing! I've been married just over a year and my husband and I are the same way -- we get the "when are you having kids?" questions all the time and we always say "in a few years!" We're enjoying our time together right now just us. Your blog looks awesome, I'm excited to check it out more! Thanks again for following me! :)

    1. Thanks Lindsay! Try to join in my linky party on's the Friday Photo Dump!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  7. I can't wait for the weather to cool off here in GA! I'm so ready for fall :) I just found your blog through the Currently & would love for you to stop by sometime!

    First Grade Fairytales

    1. I saw that you are ready for football, right?? =) I'm a secret football fan... I watch way too much SportsCenter than I want to. lol.
      Try to come back for my Friday Photo Dump linky party!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  8. Hi!!! I'm a Vanessa in Kindergarten, too! I found your blog from Farley's and this is my first Linky Party / Currently thing. I love that I'm getting to find great, new blogs from this adventure like yours! Love your blog - I am your newest follower and I will be back soon! Check me out at

    1. How funny! Welcome!!
      I'm heading over to your blog now, thanks for stopping by!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten
