
Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Madness!

Hi Everyone!
I'm really back this time! I know, I know, I've said that before but really, I am! Last week sucked the life out of me! I was exhausted each day and now I'm feeling better and better about each day. My class is a beautiful little rosebush that includes some thorns! hehe. I saw this video during a professional development a few weeks ago and I want to share it all with you. It sums up my week. Exactly. lol.

But now that I am in the groove of things again, I can stop herding the cats and start teaching them! It has been just madness! Actually, not really too much madness, just madness for me because I feel so out of control with what is going on. My class is a really great bunch BUT there is one kiddo who is getting the best of me right now! I have a few tricks up my sleeve that have her name on them! I was ready the Teeny Tiny Teacher's blog and she was talking about the control she loses when having a substitute or a student teacher and that's exactly how I feel right now! I feel out of control and I DON'T LIKE IT! (imagine me as a kindergartener stomping my feet!) I hoping to try my tricks to get my kiddo on board, if it doesn't go as planned, I'm asking for all of your help! Stay tuned!
Speaking of student teachers, I just received an email saying that I might be getting a first semester student teacher in a couple of weeks! Yippee! I'm not sure if it is different in other parts of the country/world but here in SoCal student teachers go through 2 semesters of teaching. The first is a half day, gradual take over teaching language arts and math, and the second is a full day, gradual take over teaching all subjects. If I get a student teacher, (s)he will be in their first semester, just getting their feet wet! I LOOOOVVVEEEDDD having a student teacher last year. However, I did have a ROCK STAR student teacher so she ended up being my friend & I am talking to everyone who will listen about getting her a position at our school (yeah you were a rock star, Sandra!). I worry about having a student teacher who isn't such a rock star and I especially worry about giving up control of my class to a one-hit wonder (get it??? because my other student teacher was a rock star?! lol, I crack myself up) Any advice from those who may have had a not-so awesome student teacher?? I am crossing my fingers for another great experience!

Next, I have a little teacher trick I'd like to share...
I recently found out how to erase Sharpie! I know Miss Kindergarten gave the advice of using a rubber eraser and yes, that works BUT if you don't want to get your arm tired from erasing, try this trick...
 I didn't take a picture of me actually covering with a dry erase marker but you get the point! You can do this on anything that has a laminated-like surface... nameplates, tables, whiteboards (yes, whiteboards!). Try it! It is so easy and chances are, you already have these supplies!

Ok friends, that's all for today.

Oh! No! Wait! Start snapping pictures of your classrooms and everything going on, I will be hosting my first linky party on Friday! It's going to be a FRIDAY PHOTO DUMP LINKY PARTY!

Start snapping those pictures!!


  1. Vanessa! I am curious to know what tricks you have up your sleeve for "you know who!" and also I may have been a rockstar but thats because I was learning from the BEST! :) Your new student teacher will be great! PS keep spreading my name around school so I can hurry up and get hired already! :)

    1. HA! You make my heart melt!! Thanks, Sandra!
