
Monday, July 2, 2012

Made it Monday & Giveaways

Hello again all!
I have been knee deep in summer school stuff & trying enjoy my summer. Today was my first day of summer school and boy, I am TIRED! I had to come home to nap because the day was exhausting! I started by coming to school super early, THEN, finished some last minute prep stuff, started school, had some lost kids, missing names, worried parents,  I skipped snack, sent the kids home, had a curriculum planning meeting and left boxes all over my room. PHEW! I'm tired. But, I'm back to blogging so I feel a little better. =)

Here is my first Made it Monday linky!
I was inspired by this pin from Pinterest

So, I started gathering toilet paper rolls to make this perfect little storage solution for this hot mess... 

I was ready to start BUT the toilet paper rolls were driving me crazy! They were uneven, some were smooshed and they were all different sizes. It was not coming out like the picture! Ugh! I wandered around my house to try to figure out something else to use because the tp rolls were not cutting it.
 I found it! Soap boxes! They were perfect for fitting in cords, would be easy to fit in the box and they have a fresh scent! So I made this...  

My husband wasn't too thrilled when I emptied all of our soap boxes into a ziploc but hey, it had to look nice, right? Now everything has a place! Go over to 4th Grade Frolics to see all the other "Made it Monday" projects, it is so inspiring!

Next up? Giveaways! In my time procrastinating, I have come across so many awesome giveaways. No, seriously, AWESOME! I enter my name in so many hoping that I will get a "WINNER" email. These are the ones that are currently going on, you should enter too! But maybe not, because I really want to win! Just kidding, go ahead! 
The Hands On Teacher is going to choose 3 winners! She has items from TpT, a $15 Amazon Gift Card 
and more! 
Mrs. Stanford's Class is giving away her enitre TpT store and so much more! I can't believe how much is on that giveaway!
Coffee, Kids and Compulsive Lists is giving away 9 different things on her 100 follower giveaway.

Ok everyone, time for you to find some new blogs and enter some giveaways. Time for me to hit the sack! 

Thanks for being here! Happy Blogging!


  1. Thanks for the shout out! I love your cord organization! Nice idea!

    The Hands-On Teacher in First!

  2. Hi Vanessa! What a great organizational idea:) I love organized things...they make me happy;) I am so glad you weren't too tired to link up:))) Hope you can come back next week with another idea to share:) Thanks for linking:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  3. I love all the organization, Vanessa!

    I wanted to let you know that I added your blog to my new list of blogs at Kindergarten Network. Stop by sometime and check it out when you have a chance. Be sure to let me know if I left out any details you would like to be added.

    Lil' Country Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Network

    1. Thank you Marlana! I hopped on over and started following Kindergarten Network already. What a great idea! Thank you for adding my info.

      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  4. I'm having a giveaway too!! Come over & take a peek!! :)

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  5. What a great idea for organizing! I like the idea of the soap boxes more than the toilet paper tubes. Totally worth pinning.


  6. Love your blog! You have so many great ideas!

    I have given you an award...come on over and check it out!

    The Polka-dotted Teacher

    1. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I can't get over there fast enough!

      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  7. Thanks for that tip! I thought I had changed this a long time ago, I followed all the steps, I wonder what I did wrong??
    Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  8. I have nominated you and your wonderful blog for the Versatile Blogger Award! Stop by to get the rules!
    Love, Laugh, and Learn
