
Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday Photo Dump

Friday Photo Dump time!
My iPods. I printed the numbers and taped it to the inside of the OtterBox protective case.

Laminating is fun! Cutting is not as much fun.

More laminate! More about the Wands Chart coming soon!

My big splurge this year! Aren't those frames darling?? I got them at Lakeshore! Each student will have their own. I'm hoping that these will last many years.
My newest product on TPT.

Not too many pictures today but here's a few more things for you...

Mrs. Lindsey's 100 Follower Giveaway is awesome! Check it out! There is a prize on there from yours truly.

Also, please consider donating to my classroom through Donors Choose. I have a new project up for an Interactive Whiteboard. This particular Interactive Whiteboard is a fraction of the amount of the "SMARTBoard" brand AND you can write on it with whiteboard marker. I think all of my students (all students in general) would benefit from having one of these babies in our classroom. Spread the word in anyway you can, please!

That's all I have for you today! I have a busy weekend ahead of me... tomorrow I have an early appointment to cut my hair and then I rush home to get ready for a wedding! I love weddings! Too bad it will be the hottest day of the week tomorrow. Bummer. Hopefully I don't melt. On Sunday, I organized a birthday BBQ for my grandmother, she'll be 78! BTW, I have a huge, huge family (this is my maternal grandmother's birthday, she has 10 children, crazy woman!), organizing a potluck style BBQ with that many people has been the end of me! Never again! I know it will be a blast to be with all of my family but next time, I'll just enjoy the company. lol.

School is creeping up everyone! Enjoy your time off while you can!

Happy Friday!!!!! 


  1. Those frames are adorable! :)

    1. Cute, right? A little on the expensive side but well worth it!

      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  2. I love the frames idea!! I would love to use this if I can get creative with my wall space. :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  3. Your boards do look really nice! Good luck with your donorschoose project-I love them! :)

