
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

B is for BUILD (and a freebie)

Hello Friends!
I want to share what I do in BUILD but my goodness, it is a lot of work and information so I am breaking it up into parts.
BUILD Choice board

Organizing BUILD
I started by organizing EVERYTHING! Whenever I implement anything in my classroom, this is the first thing on my to-do list. I think about every aspect of it: how students will choose, where the supplies will be, how students will access the supplies, the amount of time per task, how to monitor time (I have a great app for this), yada, yada, yada. I created the BUILD signs, figured out the BUILD bins and was ready to rock. Next on the list: the activities. Now, for summer school, I teach incoming kindergarteners through 4th graders. There are 4 classes: two K-1 classes and two 2-4 classes. So I had to be sure to include things for each grade level to do. This was definitely the hardest part for me. During the regular school year, when I have one grade level and I know what their goals and needs are, this will come much easier but K-4 is TOUGH! You may have also noticed that I color coded everything as well. This helps all students, including me. I just made the copies onto colored paper (mostly to save ink). Having the visual organization gives students a way to access it, even if they aren't sure what the letters are or what they mean. In our inclusive classroom, making it color coded was a no-brainer.
Starting BUILD
BUILD stands for
B-Buddy Games
U-Using Manipulatives
I-Interactive Math
L- Learning Numbers
D-Doing Math
I started by listing all of the activities that can go for each letter. You may not be able to see it very well but these are the sheets I started out using. They were a great starting point for me to get my thoughts straight. I also created folders on my computer, one for each letter and sub-folders for each grade level. 

does anyone know how I can get these pictures next to each other?

I then put these sheets together in my BUILD folder. In the folder there are tabs for: plans (longterm), BUILD check in sheets, Doing Math problems, Intake Forms (information about my summer school kiddos, since there are so many!) and Activities.
I gathered all of the empty bins that I could find (luckily I just gave my library a makeover) and slapped those with a label. The students will be able to access their own materials AND they are separated by group, a K1 bin and a 2-4 bin (don't forget this is only for my crazy summer school).
The next steps in starting BUILD are to compile all materials, activities and sheets and start moving. Over the next couple of days I will post about each letter and the activities that I have been using, will use and hope to use. This is my first time doing this so if you have any pointers, please let me know! For now, enjoy this freebie! 
Don't worry, yours won't say freebie!
The BUILD Signs and choices board, check in sheets and BUILD activities organizer. If you download it, please comment below, I'd like to know if anyone is going to benefit from them!
I'm sure I have forgotten something, so please don't hesitate to ask questions otherwise, have a good night! 


  1. I love love love this!!

    Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
    Please join me for my giveaway!

  2. Wow! This is awesome! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    Enter my giveaway @ Fun in 1st Grade

    1. Thank you very much Dana! I am entering your giveaway!

      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  3. This is my first time trying BUILD too. Thanks for helping me get organized :)

    1. You are welcome! Let me know how it goes, I'd love to get some more ideas.

      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  4. I saw this system on another kindergarten blog as well! Thanks for the freebie. :)

    1. Really? Which one? I'd like to visit them!
      Thanks for coming by my blog!

      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

    2. Do you still have this freebie. I am unable to download it.
