
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Winner! Winner! And other things...

I have had an amazing week! This is the first time I have been able to sit down at my computer for longer than 10 minutes. I feel so left out! Let me give you the rundown of my week...
Monday a Summer school meeting. Yes, I am teaching summer school but not to worry... I have inspiration (more to come). Tuesday was my birthday so, dinner with the fam and back home to work on summer school madness. Wednesday was more summer school work and PACKING. Pack. Pack. Pack. Thursday was report card day, finish up those grades and start those comments and my sister invited me to her place for dinner, how could I say no? Friday was the last day of school. Wait, what?! The last day of school! Woopdy, Woop! But how did it sneak up on me!? I have been so busy preparing for summer school and packing up my classroom that the last day of school did not get the full attention and respect that it deserved. I made all of my students gifts (quickly on Friday morning): a handwritten note, a penny & a kiss (read my freebie post for more info), a pencil and a book. My students were such sweethearts this year. I cannot believe it is all over. *Sigh* I am really going to miss them! *Sigh* Now to start my summer! Well, kinda, I can start when I finish my summer school curriculum to start in July, finish my report card comments and finish packing up my classroom. But after all that, summer here I come! lol. Man, have I had a week!

Speaking of summer school... I taught summer school last year and boy, it was a hot mess! We have a K-4 group and a 5-8 group. The K-4 group is broken up into 4 groups 2 K-1 groups and 2 2-4 groups. Still with me? Well, they rotate between 4 classes and basically, I teach to all the kiddos in K-4. Can you imagine my panic? I teach kindergarten, what do I do with these "big kids!?" I thought I had it all figured out last year but I WAS WRONG. Don't get it too twisted, they all did a great job hanging in there with me and I had a great plan for each day, but it was not what I would want to do again. So I am jumping in again but this time with a better plan. I have to think about all those grade levels, all my students with special needs and all of my students who are below grade level. I have to think about how to organize it all, how to get to each student, and how to make it fun, I mean, it is summer! SO what should I do???? I was discussing with my co-teacher and since I am a Daily5 maniac, she simply said, "Do Daily 5 Math." DUH! GENIUS! PINTEREST, HERE I COME!
Here is my inspiration for summer school... (click on the picture to take you to my pin & the link)
BUILD stands for: Buddy Games, Using Manipulatives, Independent Work, Learning Numbers, Doing Math. 
I am changing the I from Independent Work to Interactive Math. We have a subscription to a great math site IXL and I may do which is free. But since I'll have different grade levels, the site will give them their independent practice without having to make copies & figure out what they can do.

What to do for inclusion?
That one is easy, make sure every student has a choice of activity at their level, to work on their goals. Since not all students will be able to access the computers or use the mouse, using the iPods with math games will work for some students. While others will have their choice of "Interactive" games to play.

I am hoping that the plan will work out. I am starting to prepare my materials and I'm crossing my fingers, toes, arms, eyes and legs that I don't lose my mind! Any tips for me? Please help out! =) 

Lastly, we have a WINNER! 


won a $10 TPT giftcard for joining my BirthdaySchmirthdayGiveaway! 

thank you all for participating... another one will come very soon... 

Happy Sunday! 


  1. Woohoo! I won I won! Thanks so much!!


  2. Happy Belated Birthday! Good luck with summer school too! We are your newest followers! Check us out if you have time!

  3. Hi Vanessa! Thanks for featuring my BUILD picture on your blog! :) If you would though, please make the picture link back to my blog and not Pinterest. As the amazing Cara Carroll has said "Pinterest is not a person!" LOL! Anyway I love how much BUILD has helped you with summer school! I'm enjoying reading about it. I know the ladies who created BUILD for my school are proud that it has reached California!

    Happy Teaching!
    Mrs. Thompson
    Adventures in Teaching (A First Grade Blog)
    My TpT Store
