
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Think about it Thursday & Freebie

What I'm thinking about...
Preparing all my cute signs and posters, bulletins and classwork means nothing to me unless I am thinking about my students first. I mean, preparing and organizing is the most fun for me, seriously. However, I also think about the liberty I have to make my classroom my own and make it work for all of my students. I am proud of my school and all that we do, but I know that not everyone feels this way about their school or their position. At the same time, all of those people are probably not blogging, reading this blog or thinking about school at all. I LOVE my job, really. I get inspired by these resilient little humans everyday. I created this freebie for anyone who wants it. The first I have hung in my room before but I changed the colors to match my new color theme. The second is something I came across a few weeks ago. I do not know who wrote it but if you know, please tell me, I'd like to cite them. I love the message. I will  be posting this near my door or by my desk, I haven't decided. I will be printing them on photo paper and putting them in frames. Feel free to copy the image or if you'd like a digital copy, let me know, I am happy to share.

Does anyone have anything that inspires them? Do you have it in your classroom?

Lastly, how the heck did I get 55 followers????  That makes me so excited!!!! Really, it does!! New followers, enjoy the freebie. Also, have you downloaded my Daily 5 Starter Kit? I can't believe over 1600 people have downloaded it!!! Isn't that amazing? It is FREE right now, but won't be next week so grab yours soon.
I am off to enjoy some summer vacation by camping with my husband and our friends. I can't wait to see what my inbox will look like on Monday! Have a great weekend!


  1. I love these posters! I definitely can't wait to print them out & put them in my classroom! I am your newest follower & I am excited to read from your blog. I am headed to check out your Daily 5 Starter kit!!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

    1. YAY! Welcome Lisa! I just bought 2 picture frames to put them in and put them up in my classroom!
      Come back soon!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  2. Love your blog! Congrats! I gave you "The Lovely Blog" award. Please stop by TIPS at the link below to pick it up.

    Happy Teaching,
    TIPS: Teach, Inspire, and Prepare Students

    1. WOW LAURA! Really! I can't head over fast enough! I am SOOOOOO excited! This is such a treat!
      THANK YOU!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  3. Those are very inspiring sayings! So important in Kinder-thanks for sharing!


    1. You are welcome, I am glad you like them.
      Thanks for visiting!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten
