
Sunday, June 3, 2012

10 Followers and a Freebie!

WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO! 10 Followers! You can't see me but I am doing a happy dance! I know this doesn't mean much to those of you who have thousands of followers (as you should), but I am over the moon that there are people out there who love blogging and blog stalking as much as me! If you're here... follow me, too!!!
For my new followers, I have a freebie!
While some of you are kicking your feet up and enjoying your summer vacation, I still have 1 more week with my kinder kiddos. For my last day of school, I will be making my kiddos some cookies with a cute "you are a smart cookie" label. I will also read Miss Bindergarten Says Goodbye to Kindergarten. This book is the cutest! I'm sure all of my fellow Kindergarten teachers have all heard of Miss Bindergarten.
Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the Last Day of Kindergarten (Miss Bindergarten Books)

In this book, she goes through the day and cleans up the classroom saying goodbye to each of her students. At the end, she gives them all a goodbye gift, "A penny for success to come, a kiss to know you'll be missed." So precious, right?
I have made a label/card for my students to give them each a penny and a kiss. I plan to type each of their names in it and write a special note to each of them on the back. I have already started to think of the special messages I want to give to each of them. I really am going to miss this class!

Here is my template for the taking...

On another note, I am reading all kinds of posts about classroom management and I'd like to post my ideas soon. I know that many of you are like me and the "teacher brain" never turns off! I, too, am thinking of how to organize, rearrange and revamp my classroom! Especially with my new co-teacher moving her desk in to my teeny-tiny classroom (pictures to come). Phew! I have a lot to work to do and I LOVE IT!

Come back soon!


  1. Congrats on your 12 followers! I was so happy to get my first follower. Well, my second follower because I was my first follower! You're off to a great start! BTW, this is my last week of school, too!
    Lori (
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

    1. Thanks Lori!
      Good, I'm glad I wasn't the only one following myself! Someone had to get the ball rolling, right? lol. Enjoy your last week of school!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  2. Congrats and don't worry I have another week too!!

    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class Blog

    1. You are awesome!! If you want my button to fit you can change the image size in the code... from width 400 to like 200 :)

    2. Thanks for stopping by Jessica! I'm crossing my fingers that I'll be a winner! Thanks for the resizing tip, that was driving me crazy!
      Enjoy your last week... I know I will!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  3. Congrats on the 12 followers! Every time I get a follower I am giddy! I love the penny idea! Thanks for sharing!


    1. Thanks Greg! I see you are on a roll over there!
      Oh, I wanted to share with you but didn't see your email on your blog... if you'd like your signature to directly link to your blog fill in the blanks:


      I hope it works for you!

      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

    2. well that didn't work out as planned... googling it would work better! lol

  4. Replies
    1. YAY! Thanks Jennifer! I love your blog, I'm excited that you'll be following me too!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  5. Congrats on 10 followers!! I am aspiring to the same right now :) I am a new blogger...I think I have 1? Hee hee!!!

    Stop by if you get a chance!

  6. Great end of year plan! Plan to get that book. Congrats on ten followers. It is exciting! I started a blog in January. Come see it at

    I have one more week to go, too! Good luck.

    1. Thanks! I'm headed over to see you now...

      Best of luck on your last week!

      Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  7. Congrats on your 10 followers. I am your 16th follower! Woohoo!


  8. Just found your blog- super cute ideas. I am your newest follower. Check out my blog http:\\ I am just starting too and always looking for some new followers... I only have 8 :(

  9. I am so glad that I found you blog - you have great ideas. I am looking forward to following you. I am always looking for kindergarten blogs to follow. Can I ask where you found a grant to apply for to get ipads for you classrooms? That is so great! Please stop by my blog when you have a chance!

    1. Hello! I saw your Co-Kindering name and thought, "Is this someone who speaks my language?" You do! I am also a co-teacher, as a matter of fact my co-teacher just moved in to my classroom! I'm glad you like my blog, I'm already following yours =)
      The grant was through LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) and funded by ARRA (a government initiative) in order to provide a technology rich classroom in charter schools. I was awarded last summer and found out recently that it was only last summer. I had my eye on another one of the goodies but unfortuately they will not be doing this anymore. =( Although, DonorsChoose has been really good to me too! If you don't know about DonorsChoose follow my link above, it is AMAZING!
      Thanks for stopping by!
      Kindergarten Schmindergarten
