
Monday, May 14, 2012

Daily 5- Part 1

Hello All!
I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what the best first post would be but there are so many ideas that I can't choose one! Can you tell I'm excited to join the blogging world? I decided on... DAILY 5. I have just started the Daily 5 with my kinder kiddos a mere 3 weeks ago. I started it at this time because I wasn't sure if my kindergarten team and I would be using it for next year so I used my current kiddos as guinea pigs. I AM THRILLED! I love it, my kids love it, the parents love it, who could ask for more? I didn't follow the book's recommendations on how to begin the process because I had 1 week open to teach my kids how to do it before beginning so we just jumped right in.
I started by organizing their choices board...
Students make their Daily 5 choices by moving the magnet under their name.
We only have time for 2 rotations. We are all doing Read to Self first then moving to their own choice for the 2nd rotation. When we build our Read to Self stamina to 15 minutes... we get to choose white and yellow! Oh so exciting!
I Charts & Choices board
 Here are some action shots...

Stay tuned... I am going to try to figure out how to upload my posters and magnets to make them available to anyone who wants them. Let's see if this works...

Building our Stamina Poster      Daily 5 Magnets & Images (Clip art from

I was thinking about what I could use my blog for and how it can help and I think I have figured it out. I work at a fabulous school whose philosophy revolves around full inclusion. This means all students of all abilities are in a classroom working and learning together. Students that have special needs, students who are gifted and students who are typically developing are working together to make our school as amazing as it is. Sooooo.... I am going to try to add tidbits of advice and reflection to my blog I go!

What would I change for next time?
*I am going to change my building our stamina tracker to a clock with just the minute hand. I have a feeling that will help the kiddos with time.
*I will make sure that the iPods have all of the books that I need on them BEFORE I give the iPod to the students! Avoid that headache! 

What to do for inclusion?
*With Daily 5 all of the students have their own book boxes with leveled readers in them. Pairing students for read to someone will ensure that everyone is participating at their ability level.

What did you think of my first post? Long right? Any thoughts or questions?


  1. Vanessa! It looks like the Daily 5 is going great, congrats! I look forward to following your blog! I have a question, is that red phone recording or measuring fluency? If so, that is so cool and where did you get it?! :) -Sandra

    1. Hi Sandra! The red phone is called a "whisper phone." It helps the students hear themselves read. I am thinking that I am going to use some iPods now to measure fluency, that would be awesome! The whisper phones can be purchased at any school supply, I got mine at Lakeshore. I also have 5 more that I made out of PVC pipes; I'm sure you'll see pictures of those soon ;)
      Thanks for visiting my blog!
