
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Computer Groups? NO PROBLEM!

I recently got 3 desktop computers in my classroom. And while they are a little old and dusty, they are new to me and my students and we are having so much fun with them! Once I found out I was getting the computers, I got straight to work trying to figure out how was going to incorporate daily use in my already well oiled machine of a day. hmmm...
I came up with this! I separated my daily center groups into T/Th and W/F subgroups. This way everyone gets 2 opportunities a week to play on iStation (a computer based reading program that my school just got). After I separated the subgroups, I typed them up on Powerpoint, made them cute, and saved it as a JPEG. Now I have a computer desktop background and the students know which computer to use and when! No wall spaces to take up, no paper to be printed on. The kiddos added this to the machine and VOILA! A new routine was born.

What to do for next time?
Nothing I can think of yet... I'm sure there might be something...

What to do for inclusion?
Students with special needs (actually, most students) are most successful when clear expectations & routines are set. All students know when and where computer time will be, all students are able to use them and computer games are easy-peesy to differentiate.

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