Thursday, August 1, 2013

August Currently! I'm baaaaack!

Hello my long, lost friends!!
I haven't blogged in soooooooo long so I decided that I would make my comeback with the August currently! I'm sitting down and I just opened up Farley's blog and there are already 198 entries! Wowsa!

Here's mine...
So You Think You Can Dance... anyone else a fan? Don't tell him that I told you this but my husband loves this show, too!

My new computer! I think my last 5 currentlys said that I needed a new computer and I FINALLY saved up enough pennies to get a new one! I couldn't even remember what a working laptop was... my old one had a broken screen, the power cord was broken and the track pad would go crazy every once in a while. My new one is fresh, clean and super fast!

I want to meet my new nephew already! So, my sister's due date is actually today but we want him out already! Like last week! Maybe it'll be tomorrow...

To start setting up my classroom but I have to wait until next week because it is going through cleaning this week.

Needing... Next week I start setting up my classroom and the week after I start school! Boooo! Gotta make the best of the little time I have left.

B2s must haves...
1. New pencils... I gotta have new pencils to go with my new plan book, right? I ONLY use pencil in my plan book because, well, you all understand the need to erase and switch things around.

2. New first day of school outfit... I just gotta have one! I always feel just a little more confident talking to those parents for the first time when I have extra cute clothes on!

3. New lunch bag... because... well... I'm just a nerd that way. I always loved back to school shopping ever since I can remember. My mom would always joke that she would lose me in a Staples or Office Depot because I would just roam all the aisles and looking for a new lunch box/bag was always on the list. I finally got myself a 31 bag...

Isn't it cute??

That's all for me today... I'll be back soon with my Back to School Goals and hopefully a picture of my new nephew!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Banker Freebie!

Hi friends!
I was such a slacker yesterday but today I have the freebie for you!

Here it is... Print the wallet double sided, cut the solid like down the middle and have your students fold up to the dotted line. Decorate and have some fun! Click on the image to get you to the freebie! There is also play money included in the freebie!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Community Helpers... I'm a banker!

Hi friends!
So we started our community unit today, I remembered at the end of the day that this is my favorite unit! I love that we teach the jobs in a way that the students can be 5 again and enjoy role playing! I LOVE it. Today we taught about bankers. We talked about what a banker does, what tools a banker needs and why a bank and banker are important to our community. Then on to the fun stuff! We made our classroom into a bank! The kids LOVED it! I think they loved it more because I was so excited about it, too. hehehe. I asked some students to be a banker and the others were all given $4 of pretend money. They then had to "deposit" their money into the bank. We had a talk about how much money they deposited and how much money they could take out, let's not get into debt already kids! lol.
It was sooooo cute! Went a little like this...
Banker: "Hi, how can I help you?"
Customer: "I want to deposit my $4"
Banker: "Ok."
Customer: "Thank you!"
Teacher smiling from ear to ear because of how cute these kids are! 

If only it were that easy in real life, huh?

The funniest thing happened, too...
Banker: "Hi, how can I help you?"
Customer #1: "I want to-"
Customer #2 (standing directly behind #1, waiting for about 30 seconds): "What is taking so loooooong????"

That's more like it...

When we were done with depositing our money, I asked, "How are we going to get our money back?"
"GO BACK TO THE BANK," they yelled. Impatient customer #2 says, "Awww, again?" Exactly, my friend. He's not a fan of standing in line. lol.
We made wallets next, paper wallets. "When we go back to the bank, we will have a place to keep our money now!" (Enter screams of excitement.) I love kindergarten.

After folding our wallets and making them our own, we got back in line and withdrew our money. My students were so excited for everything we did! This is my favorite lesson guys! I planned on giving these away as a freebie... the wallets and pretend money BUT I am a ridiculously big slacker and didn't save the files in my dropbox so now I can't access them from home and now I have to wait until tomorrow to give them away to you. Sorry. Come back tomorrow for the freebies and for how we will teach police officer! 
Have a great week everyone!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Subtract with a Pirate and Linky Party

Hello friends!
Have you ever subtracted with a pirate? Do you know Harry Kindergarten? If you teach kindergarten and haven't answered yes to both of those questions, don't worry, I'm here to help! lol.
Harry Kindergarten is an awesome kindergarten teacher who creates A-MA-ZING YouTube videos for all kinds of parts of our curriculum. My kids jam to Harry Kindergarten videos!
He has one that is called When you subtract with a pirate that my kids were Yo-Ho-Ho-ing to today.

It is super cute. I had a student teacher last year who made a workbook to go with the song so we would sing, listen to the song, cross out those squawking parrots and find the difference!
Watch just a few seconds of it and you'll want to sing and subtract, too!

I didn't make the workbook so I can't give it away or anything but I imagine if you did watch the video, you could have your students use whiteboards and draw pictures as they listen/watch. It was so engaging! 

Also, don't forget to snap pictures of your classrooms to join in on my Linky Party