
Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Hey friends!
Been really busy but I just wanted to ask... anyone going to the ECET2 conference in La Jolla, CA? I am presenting on Wednesday but I don't know any other teachers that are going except myself and 4 of my colleagues! If you don't know what it is, it's the Gates Foundation's Elevating and Celebrating Effective Teachers and Teaching and I am super honored to be going.
Let me know if you'll be there!


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

200 Followers and a Freebie!

I can't believe I have 200 followers! It took some time but now we are here! Time to celebrate... anyone want in on a giveaway??
Side story- We had a Chinese New Year parade today... anyone else do that? We don't have a big Chinese population and we don't have parade for any other events (besides Halloween) so I'm not sure I like it too much! Luckily, today was a nice, cool day so we weren't sweating as we were wearing our dragon hats. =)
Anyway, since I'm in such a great mood because I'm at 200 followers... here's a freebie! We've been working on our best estimation skills and I have to say, they are pretty good at it! There are some, of course, who don't realize the difference between 100 and 40 but besides that, we are all good. Here are some shots of my kiddos in action...We used the Sunflower Estimation sheet where we estimated how many seeds would fit in the middle of the flower. The other is the Marshmallow Mouth... how many marshmallows will fit in the mouth? You may notice that in one of the shots there are circles drawn in the center of the flower. In my classroom, everyone gets what they need and not all students are quite ready for estimation so their job is to glue the seeds in the circles and count them. The same goes for the marshmallow mouth except there is no picture. 

Want the Estimation Sheets?? You can snag them on TpT by clicking the picture OR leave a comment with your email letting me know that you'd like a free copy... today only! =)
If you're interested in being a part of my 200 follower giveaway, please let me know also... leave me a comment or shoot me an email:

Thanks friends!

Monday, February 4, 2013

I'm baaaack with a CURRENTLY!

Hello folks!
My poor little blog hasn't gotten any love in such a long time! Well, I'm here today and I'm ready to jump into the Currently linky party! Ok, ok, first let me tell you what's been going on since I've been gone... my sister-in-law had my first niece! Hailey Marie... oh, she's so stinkin cute! AND my sister is pregnant now! Oh babies are going to be everywhere! That has put the pressure on my and my husband like no other... we have a plan... now isn't the time... now isn't the time... now isn't the time... lol. I have to keep telling myself that because seeing so many babies makes me drool! =)'s my currently...
Listening: Ahhh the sound of clean dishes and well moisturized hands!

Loving: My new red Toms! I usually stick to the basic colors: black, white, blue, beige but I went out and got RED! I love them! My feet are quite small so I was able to snag some kid's sizes AND they are sooooooo comfy!

Thinking: It's been a long time, I missed you all!

Wanting: to try Hulu. Anyone have it? Is it worth it? Could I get rid of my cable for it? A friend of mine said that her friend has Hulu and Netflix instead of cable but is it really worth it? Will I still be able to see my Housewives?? lol.

Needing: A haircut! My locks are getting dry and long and out. of. control!

Pet peeves: Loud chewing. Ugh! You know that Kit-Kat commercial that has everyone taking a bite? I mute that commercial because I can't stand the sound! It especially gets under my skin when I can see the food or hear the food turning around in your mouth as you chew so loudly on it. Ick! Keep your lips together people. If it's too hot, don't drink it because slurping is gross! lol. Ok, I think you get it. My next pet peeve? Rule Breakers! Can't everyone just follow the rules? Not following the rules makes it harder on everyone else. I'm talking about adults people. Adults who choose not to do what has been asked. It really bothers me because I am such a rule follower that I can't even believe others would do something different.

Ok friends, I'm off to complete the rule of 3... Head over to Farley's blog to see the almost 300 other Currentlys!

be back tomorrow!
